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  • WizTech Changes

    Wiztech4zc.com has been revamped – only minor changes to the look but on the home page and some pages, I’ve edited the text to make the site reflect what I actually do nowadays. I’ve also raised rates across the board. I hadn’t raised rates in years and it was time!

    My maintenance case load has dwindled due to pandemic and business related changes so my schedule is more open. Do not hesitate if you want a maintenance plan but I do require significant work and money outlay before a client can go on maintenance.

    But as of the first of the year, business did start picking up. I thought, “Oh, wonderful, things are getting back to normal!” But that has proved not to be so. I don’t know if we are ever going back to normal! I believe folks are simply anxious and traumatized and I’m having numerous problems with expectations and client behavior/requests.

    So I’ve added a number of new pages to the website outlining what I’ve always done and what I expect to do for my clients.

    The terms and condition have been altered – start there to catch up.

    I have always had a terms and conditions page and it has always been part of the payment process where you are affirming acceptance of those terms and conditions but now I also have written policy statements about pricing, the custom template I offer and site evaluations. I have always liked to have all info up front but have never felt it necessary to delineate such in detail ’til now. Hopefully, this will streamline my jobs.

    Author: Delia Wilson Lunsford, Founder & CEO, WizTech, Inc.