I just finished the product information page and I’m thrilled with the results. I’m still tweaking bits and pieces overall but I can now explain what’s going on.
This is the best page to see … read more
I just finished the product information page and I’m thrilled with the results. I’m still tweaking bits and pieces overall but I can now explain what’s going on.
This is the best page to see … read more
Here’s a quick peek into the new mobile navigation
With every version of Zen Cart I get to trim my template down. Many of my Zen Cart complaints have been fixed or reconfigured to my satisfaction. Don’t know how much I’ve had to do … read more
Zen Cart 2. 0 came out early April, quickly followed by 2.0.1 in early May. I’ve been playing with it ever since and am still at work on the updated template, but you can see … read more
The italicized statement below is a lie! I just received an email alerting me to the fact that Zen Cart 2.0 was just released! Call me gobsmacked! This blog post is still valid but … read more