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  • Category Archives: SEO

    Twitter, Twitter, You Still There?

    The answer is yes. Twitter is still usable for the moment. Will it remain that way? Possibly not – probably not. The reason is basic and simple. When you cut staff by 50 or 75% … read more

    Upcoming Changes for Google Analytics

    Google has announced that as of July 1, 2023, Universal Analytics will die. Not a natural death – they are moving to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). I’ve spent a bit of time converting my sites … read more

    Oh, Google, how I love/hate you!

    I had a minor website issue this week but it had me going for a while. One of my customers received a notice that his site had mobile issues. My template has always passed muster … read more

    .htaccess redirects for SEO

    There has always been one redirect that is Google mandated for SEO. That is to standardize the use of www vs non-www. Allowing use of both on a website can appear as two different urls with the … read more

    Is It Time to Switch to HTTPS?

    HTTPS has been a tiny bit of Google's ranking every since 2014 and as of April of last year, they are still saying that isn't in the plans to change the weight of that element. … read more