The Zen Cart Project has been rather quiet for a while now and the update to 1.5.7d is just boring! But there’s good news!
It’s easy to install, with virtually no surprises involved. One problem with the product reviews has been corrected and there’s a new version of PHPMailer included. Full list:
- (Note: no database changes between v157/v157a/v157b/v157c/v157d, so no need to run zc_install again if v157/v157a/v157b/v157c is already installed.)
- All: Security Patches Applied.
- All: Upgraded PHPMailer to version 6.5.1
- Admin: Address missing/inconsistent HTML characteristics
- Admin: Remove call to inspectAndUpdate from every request and only call on plugin_manager page
- Admin: Fix width of comments block in invoice
- Admin: include plugins in search
- Admin: Sanitize Output
- Core: Fix typo: langauages -> languages
- Core: Accommodate field types with zero length
- Core: Fix “Uncaught TypeError: mysqli_close(): Argument #1 ($mysql) must be of type mysqli, bool given
- Core: Fix coupon min. required calculation wrong when calculated from = All Products
- Storefront: Clean HTML for product_reviews_write, correcting PHP notices regarding missing variables.
- Core: paypaldp/paypal_curl, correcting PHP notices, partial payflow-uk correction.
So should you upgrade your version of Zen Cart? Most definitely as nearly all of this has security in mind. But since it’s so minor, upgrading from 1.5.7c to this version just requires uploading a small group of files and is much less expensive.
Contact Us for pricing for this minor update!
Author: Delia Wilson Lunsford, Founder & CEO, WizTech, Inc.