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  • How Connected Are You?

    Managing our connections nowadays has really gotten complicated.  Between Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr and this blog I’m just reeling!

    I’m not complaining actually because juggling it all is a delicate dance that, once mastered, gives one a feeling of satisfaction.


    So it goes like this.  I have non-business connections on Facebook – mainly relatives, friends, and high school classmates.  It set up my class from Athens High School for a great reunion – getting to talk and connect ahead of time was super preparation for a weekend of fun.  It helped reduce the anxiety a reunion produces and helped us to find out what we’ve all been up to in the past 40 (!) years.

    I had connected with a couple of business folks on Facebook. One hosting client who later abandoned me (hmm?) and one internet person I work for.  After a Facebook post that got me in trouble with the internet person, I “unfriended her” very quickly.  You have to remember that you are posting to others connections as well – it goes beyond your little world.  Lesson learned!


    I do have a Facebook page for my business as well but haven’t worked at getting followers – I only have 5 including me – so I’m not much on posting there.  Established my presence and moved on!

    Follow me there- http://www.facebook.com/pages/Charlottesville-VA/Delia-Wilson-Design/92602374329?ref=ts


    I keep my Charlottesville connections on Twitter – that’s one way for me to keep in touch with what’s happening here. I’ve gotten job leads that way and managed to worm my way into C’ville’s consciousness without pounding the streets.

    But it’s also provided an face-to-face social outlet – with Tweet Ups, First Wednesdays and the C’ville Social Media Club having meetings and get-togethers. I’ve met folks, discovered some great food and learned a lot about Charlottesville and some of its inhabitants.

    It provides me with local  news and dining specials as well as breaking news stories in a quick, easy to digest format that I can delve into deeper or just simply absorb while working.

    I use it to promote what I’m doing and to learn from others about topics that interest me.

    Dang useful tool.

    So you can follow me there, too.  http://twitter.com/deliawl


    Though not something you’ve probably heard of, I have had a blast using Tumblr to post my iPhone pictures to the web. Snap the pic, post it to Facebook and or Twitter from wherever I am. Of course, my Tumblr app just recently crashed and now need to spend time finding out what to do about it!

    I really enjoy photography and have a decent eye for it.  Sharing my photos with my Facebook friends is fun for me and can be enjoyable for them.  I took a set of pics of the downtown C’ville mall and one of my friends was thrilled. She had lived here years ago and it brought back great memories for her.

    Check out my photo blog! http://deliawilson.tumblr.com


    And then there’s LinkedIn – more business oriented profile pages with resume type information. It’s become very important to have a profile there for many reasons.  And now one can designate certain Twitter tweets to be posted there as well – adding some refreshment to a dull, static page.

    Choose those posts wisely folks!

    View my profile there, too: http://www.linkedin.com/in/deliawilson


    The point is this. These are tools and used properly can promote your business and your brand. Used poorly they can hurt your business. I’ve even met someone thru Twitter and found I really dislike him – because he has revealed who he really is. And sometimes that isn’t good.

    If you haven’t tried out some of these tools, take the time to investigate them. Sign up for Twitter at least – it’s quick and easy with little to learn.  Take the plunge!

    Author: Delia Wilson Lunsford, Founder & CEO, WizTech, Inc.